Welcome Risen Jesus

Welcome Risen Jesus: Lenten and Easter Reflections for Families

WRJ cover

Welcome Risen Jesus: Lent and Easter Reflections for Families offers daily reflections and thoughts that encourage families to THINK, PRAY, ACT based on words from Scripture. These exercises are designed to engage your household during the Lenten season by tying Scripture and reflection to your daily life.

With each passing Sunday, your family’s faith will grow stronger, and the true meaning of this season will be discovered.


Also available in Spanish.

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What Others Are Saying:

It’s a Lent for normal people.  I love it.  I repent of ever thinking grumpy thoughts about cartoon-y Bible-story pictures.

100% buy-recommend for readers who want some good solid achievable Lenten goals, no saccharin, no goofiness, just reliable practical advice grounded in everything that one particularly sensible parish priest you had* was trying to tell you all those years.   You could cover it with some nice gargoyle stickers if that would help you.

Jennifer Fitz, blogger at Riparians at the Gate

Reading Sarah Reinhard’s little book together is a simple but meaningful way for families to make the most of this beautiful, sanctifying season. And it’s only $1.99!!! That’s quite the steal for a book that just might help your children (and you!) grow closer to Christ this Lent.

If you’re still not sold, consider my 4-year-old’s glowing endorsement.

“What’s that, Mama?” she asked me as I pulled the book out of its packaging.

“It’s a book we’re going to read together during Lent. My friend wrote it!”

“Your friend wrote it?” she gasped. She flipped through it. “Wow! Your friend is a good writer-er.”

Kate Wicker, author and blogger at KateWicker.com

This 63-page booklet, written for families with young children, provides reflections for Ash Wednesday through Divine Mercy Sunday. Each day, it suggests something to think about [like what to do when you’re scared], an action to consider [send a card to a sick relative], a way to fast [“Do not complain today”], and a prayer.

Our family’s Advent experience was enhanced by the precursor Welcome Baby Jesus and no doubt Welcome Risen Jesus will help us set aside some time each day [OK, most days] — no matter how brief — to focus on the pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

Julie Filby, writer and blogger at Mother’s Musings

Lent has always been one of my favorite times of the year. For some reason, it seemed magical to me with days given strange names: Ash Wednesday, Fat or Shrove Tuesday (also widely known as Mardi Gras–and occurring before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday), Maundy or Holy Thursday, Palm Sunday, and Good Friday. Reflecting on the importance of those days can only make the season even more magical and holy.Welcome Risen Jesus will help families also find special meaning for those quiet days without the strange and beautiful names.

Robin Craft, owner and blogger at PC Druggist

This is a beautifully written and illustrated book. The fact that it is geared to both parents and children is what I love most about it. This offers parents and children a unique opportunity to grow together in faith during the Lenten season and takes only a few moments each day.

I look forward to using this booklet with my own family and I highly recommend it to all families who wish to grow in faith during this beautiful Lenten season.

Ellen Gable Hrkach, author and columnist at Amazing Catechists