Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent and Christmas Reflections for Families
Advent is a season almost forgotten by the secular world. With new toys and electronics available, why should we focus on this time of anticipation? Most everyone cannot wait for Christmas morning to arrive, but is it for the right reason?
I designed Welcome Baby Jesus for you and your family to capture some of what’s intended by the liturgical season of Advent. Each day has a Scripture quote from the Sunday gospel readings, a brief reflection, and an action to complete. With each passing Sunday, your Advent Wreath will grow brighter, your family’s faith will grow stronger, and the true meaning of this season will be discovered.
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What Others Are Saying:
Sarah Reinhard has given families a gift in the form of this wonderful little book. In truth, sometimes even Advent resources can feel like just another “to do” item for busy families, but this terrific book has been specifically designed to help your family cherish and recapture the joy of the Advent season. Designed with the interests and attention spans of little ones in mind, the book covers Advent and also continues into the important Christmas season. Each day’s entry features scripture, prayer aids, a lovely reflection and a tangible activity your family can easily do together. Sundays get special treatment, as do those important days of the Christmas season.
I highly recommend this book for families, for teachers, for those who work in ministry with children, and even for adults who simply want to recapture some of the childlike wonder that rightly should accompany a season when we prepare to welcome the Christ child.
Lisa Hendey, founder of CatholicMom.com and author of The Handbook for Catholic Moms and A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms
What sets this apart from other Advent preparation books is that it has reflections and activities for the entire family (parents included) so that both parent and child can prepare for the celebration of Christ’s birth.
It may be months away, but Sarah Reinhard’s beautifully designed book is an ideal gift for those families who wish to embrace the true meaning of Christmas and to grow closer to Christ. I highly recommend this wonderful book to everyone!
Ellen Gable Hrkach, author, columnist at CatholicMom.com, and blogger at Plot Line and Sinker
Welcome Baby Jesus is an exceptional Advent resource for today’s Catholic families. The booklet is based on Scripture, but easy to understand, delightfully decorated, and filled with exercises designed to draw the family together and closer to Jesus. What a perfect resource to use and to give as a gift to families you know prior to the holy season of Advent.
Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, author, EWTN host and blogger at Embracing Motherhood
Her latest endeavor is her very first book called, Welcome Baby Jesus. The book, which offers ideas for families on celebrating Advent, provides reflections and Scripture quotes to make the Christmas season a bit less about toys and gifts and a lot more about the true meaning of the holiday.
Robin Craft, owner and blogger at Plain City Druggist
Because Sarah doesn’t talk down to kids, there’s enough substance in the “Think” sections for us adults, so they work at varying levels for the whole family. We can all be challenged by such questions as, “When we are asked to do work we might consider ‘servant’ work, how do we respond?” (Ummm, I think I’ll be taking yet another look at my attitude toward laundry this Advent.) For very young children, the “Think” passages could be shortened or skipped — head straight to “Pray” and “Act” with the littlest ones.
Karen Edmisten, author and blogger at Karen Edmisten